
U.S. Regional Economy, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy (US-REGEN)

The US Regional Economy, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy Model (US-REGEN) is a model developed by the Electric Power Research Institute. It combines: (1) a detailed dispatch and capacity expansion model of the United States electric sector which includes representation of both existing generation unit capacity and the hourly profiles of load, wind speed and solar flux, (2) an end-use model which represents trade-offs between end-use technologies and fuels for a wide range of disaggregated sectors and activities with economy-wide coverage and includes structural detail across several dimensions relevant for fuel and technology choice, such as building size, type, and vintage, climate zone and location, and vehicle ownership and driving intensity, (3) a fuels model describing the supply and conversion of primary energy into delivered fuels supplied to the electric and end-use models which includes several technologies for conversion, blending, and synthesis of fuels, including petroleum refining, biomass to liquids or gas, blending fuel supply, ammonia production, and fuel synthesis.
The three models are solved iteratively to convergence, allowing analysis of policy impacts on the electric sector taking into account economy level responses. This makes REGEN capable of demonstrating the least-cost deployment mix of generation subject to a scenario-dependent range of technological and policy constraints or other drivers of future fuel supply and energy demand.
Geoff Blanford
John Bistline
Nils Johnson
Current Full Documentation List
Highlighted Analysis
- Powering Data Centers: U.S. Energy System and Emissions Impacts of Growing Loads
- Impacts of EPA’s finalized power plant greenhouse gas standards
- A multi-model study to inform the United States’ 2035 NDC
- Net-Zero 2050: Sensitivity Analysis and Updated Scenarios
- Representation of Geothermal Resources and Technologies in EPRI's US-REGEN Model: Guidelines for Enhancing Geothermal Integration in Capacity Expansion Models
- LCRI Net-Zero 2050: U.S. Economy-Wide Deep Decarbonization Scenario Analysis
- The role of natural gas in reaching net-zero emissions in the electric sector | Nature Communications
- Electrification Scenarios for New York's Energy Future (
- Air Quality Implications of an Energy Scenario for California Using High Levels of Electrification | California Energy Commission
- Merrick, J., J. Bistline, and G. Blanford (2024). On Representation of Energy Storage in Electricity Planning Models. Energy Economics, 136: 107675.
- Analysis of Foresight in Long-Term Energy System Models, EPRI Report 3002021161, December 2021
- Bistline, J., C. Roney, D. McCollum, and G. Blanford. Deep Decarbonization Impacts on Electric Load Shapes and Peak Demand. Environmental Research Letters, 16(9):094054, October 2021.
- Bistline, J.E., G. J. Blanford, T Mai, J Merrick. Modeling Variable Renewable Energy and Storage in the Power Sector. Energy Policy. 156:112424, September 2021,
- Bistline, J.E. The Importance of Temporal Resolution in Modeling Deep Decarbonization of the Electric Power Sector. Environmental Research Letters, 16:084005, July 2021,
- Bistline, J.E. Variability in Deeply Decarbonized Electricity Systems. Environmental Science & Technology. 55:9:5629-5635. April 2021.
- Geoff Blanford, James Merrick, John Bistline, and David Young (2018): "Simulating Annual Variation in Load, Wind, and Solar by Representative Hour Selection" (The Energy Journal)
Canada Regional Economy, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy (Canada REGEN)

The Canada Regional Economy, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy Model (Canada REGEN) is a model developed by the Electric Power Research Institute. It combines a detailed dispatch and capacity expansion model of the United States electric sector with a high-level dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the United States economy, including sectoral detail in electric power production, energy demand, and transportation. The two models are solved iteratively to convergence, allowing analysis of policy impacts on the electric sector considering economy level responses.
Chris Roney
Francisco Ralston Fonseca
Canada REGEN Model Documentation
Highlighted Analysis
- Advanced Reactors Global Market Outlook and Economic Assessment: United States and Canada AR Economic Assessment Study
- Insights for Canadian electricity generation planning from an integrated assessment model: Should we be more cautious about hydropower cost overruns?
- Canadian National Electrification Assessment: Electrification Opportunities for Canada's Energy Future EPRI Report 3002021160, September 2021
- Canadian National Electrification Assessment: Electrification Opportunities for Canada's Energy Future (French Translation)
- Estimating Power Sector Leakage Risks and Provincial Impacts of Canadian Carbon Pricing Environmental and Resource Economics, 76, 91-118, April 2020
Model for Estimating the Regional and Global Effects of Greenhouse Gas Reductions (MERGE)
MERGE is an intertemporal general equilibrium model with a reduced-form representation of the economy, the energy sector, related emissions and concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, and the climate system. It is designed to be sufficiently transparent to allow exploration of the implications of alternative viewpoints in the greenhouse debate.
Geoff Blanford
EPRI Reports
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Product ID | Name | Published | Type |
1020389 | The Power to Reduce CO2 Emissions: The Full Portfolio 2009 | 26-Oct-2009 | Corporate |
1015461 | The Power to Reduce CO2 Emissions: The Full Portfolio Discussion Paper | 5-Sep-2007 | Corporate |
Articles / Presentations
Name | Author | Published | Size |
International Offsets: The potential role of the energy sector ![]() |
Geoff Blanford | May 2010 | 809 KB |
Stabilization and the Energy Sector ![]() |
Geoff Blanford | May 2010 | 410 KB |
Feasible climate targets: The roles of economic growth, coalition development and expectations ![]() |
Geoff Blanford | December 2009 | |
Breaking the climate stalemate? ![]() |
Geoff Blanford | December 2009 | |
The value of technological advance in decarbonizing the U.S. economy ![]() |
Rich Richels | July 2008 |
Stochastic Behavior-based Load Simulator (LoadSim)

LoadSim is used to construct highly-resolved (sub-hourly) estimates of residential demand based on assumptions around customer behavior. LoadSim employs a bottom-up modeling approach in which the characteristics of the home, its individual end-uses (appliances, lighting, etc.), and the behavior of its occupants are evaluated in tandem. Occupant behavior is modeled using data from the American Time Use Survey (ATUS) to create a statistically consistent representation of how customers interact with major residential end-uses. ATUS data is used to construct Markov chains for a variety of occupant types and defined activity categories, which are simulated using the Monte Carlo method of repeated random sampling. To estimate energy consumption, LoadSim constructs detailed physics-based characterizations of major residential end-uses and their interactions with customers and external environmental conditions. Applications of this modeling framework include demand flexibility, distribution/secondary system design, and load shape estimation.
LoadSim is supported by EPRI's Electrification and Sustainable Energy Strategy Sector and by EPRI's Energy Systems and Climate Analysis group.
Brandon Johnson
EPRI Reports
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Product ID | Name | Published | Type |
3002018707 | Residential Behavior Based End-Use Modeling: 2020 Technology Innovation Project | 31-Dec-2020 | White Paper |
3002030047 | Program on Technology Innovation: Modeling Residential Demand with LoadSim | 19-Dec-2024 | White Paper |
Forestry and Agricultural Sector Optimization Model with Greenhouse Gases (FASOM-GHG) Description / Results List
The Forestry and Agricultural Sector Optimization Model with Greenhouse Gases (FASOM-GHG) is an intertemporal partial equilibrium model of the U.S. forestry and agricultural economic sectors, including biomass production for bioenergy. It is designed for detailed evaluation of potential changes in future U.S. forestry and agriculture commodity production and consumption, land management, land allocation, and greenhouse gases with respect to alternative economic, technological, biophysical, and policy scenarios.
Steve Rose
Geoff Blanford
Articles / Presentations
Name | Author | Published | Size |
U.S. Biomass Supply for Power & Environmental Implications (Draft Results) | Steven Rose | June 2011 | 684 KB |
Net Farm Income and Land Use under a U.S. Greenhouse Gas Cap and Trade | Geoff Blanford | April 2011 | 910 KB |
Electric Generation Expansion Analysis System
The Electric Generation Expansion Analysis System (EGEAS) is a modular state-of-the-art generation expansion software package. EGEAS is used by utility planners to produce integrated resource plans, evaluate independent power producers, develop avoided costs and environmental compliance plans, and analyze life extension alternatives. EGEAS is a set of computer modules that determine an optimum expansion plan or simulate detailed production costs for a prespecified plan. Expansion plans are defined by the type, size, and installation date for each new generating facility or demand-side management resource. Optimum expansion plans are developed in terms of annual costs, operating expenses, and carrying charges on investment. The objective is to find an integrated resource plan that meets the objective function specified by the user. The two objective functions in EGEAS include: minimizing total present worth costs and minimizing levelized annual customer rates. Click here for more information about EGEAS and how to obtain an EGEAS license from EPRI.
Nidhi Santen nsanten@epri.comEGEAS Software
Product ID | Name | Published | Type |
3002009567 | EGEAS Version 13.1 Software | 05-Nov-2018 | Software |
EGEAS Documentation
Links will open a PDF in a new window/tab.
Product ID | Name | Published | Type |
3002014878 | EGEAS Users Guide, Version 13.1 | 20-Nov-2018 | Technical Results |
3002014877 | EGEAS Capabilities Manual, Version 13.1 | 20-Nov-2018 | Technical Results |
EGEAS Presentations
TAGWeb™ Energy System Technology Cost and Performance Database and Toolset

The TAGWeb™ (Technical Assessment Guide Web) software is an integrated, web-based software that provides current cost and performance data and technology trends for:
- Natural Gas Combustion Turbines (CT), Reciprocating Engines, and Combined Cycles (CC) with CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS)
- Nuclear Power Plants: Small Modular & Central Systems
- Renewable Energy: Solar PV, Solar Thermal, Biomass, Biogas, Onshore Wind, and Offshore Wind
- Energy Storage Technologies: Batteries, Compressed Air, and other novel technologies
- Pulverized Coal (PC) & Integrated Gasification Combined Cycles (IGCC) with CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS)
The TAGWeb™ serves as a source for technology information and data that can be customized to individual company needs for input into simulation models for integrated resource plans, leading to selection of least-cost technology and fuel choice for the benefit of the public. TAGWeb™ benefits society by providing a foundation for more informed decision making by electric companies and regulatory authorities related to electric power resource plannig. EPRI's Energy and Environmental Strategic Analysis group uses TAGWeb™ derived data for informing on public-domain technical analyses and assessments of energy technologies, energy-economic analyses, tax credit implications and potential for emissions reductions, including CO2.
EPRI Contacts
For information about TAGWeb™, please contact Romey James
TAGWeb™ Documentation
- TAGWeb Overview
- TAGWeb™ Supplemental Project Notice. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2021.
- TAGWeb™ Usage Guidelines. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2018. 3002014379.
Highlighted Analysis
- TAGWeb v3.51 (2021 Database Update Only), EPRI Software 3002021575, November 2021
- Technology Assessment Guide: Engineering Economics—Fundamentals and Methods of Electricity Supply Economic Calculations, EPRI Report 3002021216, October 2021
- 2022 Energy System Technology Cost and Performance Summary: Market Trends & Technology Insights. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2022. 3002024231
- 2021 TAGWeb Generation and Storage Summary Report, EPRI Report 3002022367, July 2021
TAGWeb™ Presentations
- Introduction to EPRI's Technical Assessment Guide for the Web (TAGWeb™), October 16, 2014.
- Introduction to TAGWeb™ — EPRI's Power Plant Cost and Performance Software